The BCCA Bagpipes


The Bagpipes

The Bagpipes is the BCCA’s monthly newsletter. Your membership includes a subscription, delivered via email in PDF format. If you do not have email, contact the Bagpipes Editor.

The Bagpipes is made up of two editions: the “regular” Bagpipes and the Extras edition.

  • The “regular” edition contains essential Club business such as Treasurer’s Report, Notices from the Recording Secretary, Board Meeting Minutes, all ballots required by the BCCA Standing Rules, and new member applications as well as membership updates.
  • The Extras edition contains obedience brags, articles about herding and obedience, cartoons, and other non-business features.

To submit articles and items to the Bagpipes, contact the Editor. The deadline date for the next issue is listed in the current issue.

Advertising in the Bagpipes

Any BCCA member or affiliate club may advertise in the Bagpipes.

  • One month, full-page ad: $50.00
  • Classified ad: $0.50 per word

Contact the Editor for advertising availability.

To see the very first issue of the BCCA Newsletter (May 1977), look here.

Download the Bagpipes

The Bagpipes is published in PDF format for easy reading online or with a phone or tablet. If you prefer a printed newsletter, it’s easy to download and print. It would be super if all members with email/Internet access chose to print their newsletters to save the BCCA the cost of printing and mailing them. Most editions of the Bagpipes are only a few pages long. If you no longer wish to receive a hard copy of the newsletter, contact Elizabeth Hayes.

Read the current issue here. (September 2024)

Read the current Extras here.

Previous issues are archived here.

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